FAQ. All about the Medical Abortion (Abortion Pills)
What are Abortion Pills exactly?
1. Are abortion medications safe?
3. When will we be able to get a Medical Abortion?
4. Will have an abortion damage my capacity to conceive in the future?
6. How are abortifacient drugs administered?
7. What may I anticipate after using Abortion Pills (also known as abortion medication)?
8. How much blood are you expecting?
9. Can you use tampons, and how long will you bleed?
Who Is Eligible to Use Abortion Pills?
10. Do I need to take more medications if I am a colossal lady (or overweight)?
11. What if I discover I’m expecting twins?
12. Is it less effective if I’ve taken the Abortion Pill previously?
13. Is it safe for me to take Misoprostol when I have an IUD implanted?
14. Can I take Misoprostol while breastfeeding?
15. Is it permissible for me to utilize Abortion Pills if I have HIV?
16. I have anemia. Can I use the Abortion Pill?
17. I just had a C-section; is the Abortion Pill safe for me?
20. How can I have an abortion if an ectopic pregnancy has been diagnosed?
21. What is the mechanism of action of Abortion Pills?
What is the mechanism of action of Abortion Pills?
22. What is the purpose of Misoprostol?
23. What is the purpose of Mifepristone?
24. Is Misoprostol safe to take at home?
25. Is it OK for me to drink water after taking Misoprostol?
26. Is it OK for me to drink water after taking Mifepristone?
27. Is Misoprostol should be taken sublingually or vaginally?
28. What is the difference between Misoprostol alone and Misoprostol with Mifepristone?
29. How successful is Misoprostol alone and in combination with Mifepristone?
30. Why am I need to take further Misoprostol if I have already taken Mifepristone?
31. Is it possible that no one will know I had an abortion with the Abortion Pill?
Contraindications to Abortion Pills
32. When should I abstain from using Abortion Pills at home?
Abortion Pills: Adverse Effects and Complications
33. How much bleeding and cramps are considered usual after Misoprostol administration?
34. What if I do not bleed after Misoprostol administration?
35. What if I bleed excessively after the Abortion Pill?
36. What can I do if I have pain after the Abortion Pill?
37. What if you’re sick to your stomach or vomiting?
38. Is it possible for me to eat normally after taking the Abortion Pill?
39. Is it OK for me to consume liquids after taking the Abortion Pill?
40. Can I consume alcohol while on the Abortion Pill and afterward?
41. How long does it take for the Abortion Pill’s adverse effects to subside?
42. Is it usual to have nausea or vomiting after taking Misoprostol?
43. What should I do if I continue to be pregnant after an Abortion Pill?

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Add to cartWhat are Abortion Pills exactly?
Abortion Pills, also known as pharmaceutical abortion or medical termination of pregnancy (MTP) kits, are a kind of abortion that may be used to terminate a pregnancy up to 11 weeks after the first day of your last menstruation. The most successful method is the administration of two FDA-approved medications: Mifepristone and Misoprostol.
1. Are abortion medications safe?
The rate of complications after Medical Abortion is very low: approximately four patients out of every 1,000 may have significant problems that need hospitalization, infusion, or surgery. In addition, the FDA authorized Mifepristone and Misoprostol, the medications used in the procedure.
In context, Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is the leading cause of acute liver failure in the United States, accounting for approximately 25% of emergency room visits.
2. Are Abortion Pills (often referred to as Medication Abortion) synonymous with the “morning-after pill”?
No. The morning-after pill is a kind of emergency contraception (sometimes known as birth control) used within a few days following unprotected intercourse to prevent pregnancy. Emergency contraception will NOT cause an abortion if you are already pregnant.
3. When will we be able to get a Medical Abortion?
To be qualified for a Medical Abortion, you must be at least 18 years old, pregnant for at least 11 weeks, and the pregnancy must be confirmed and not ectopic. It would help if you got an Abortion Pill prescription from a trustworthy gynecologist. How abortifacients are distributed and how Medical Abortion is available in each country depends on la href=”/law/”>local abortion laws.
4. Will have an abortion damage my capacity to conceive in the future?
Abortion does not affect the likelihood of becoming pregnant again. Women who have previously undergone an abortion may have a healthy pregnancy with no issues.
5. What distinguishes a pill abortion (a.k.a. Pharmaceutical Abortion) from a spontaneous miscarriage?
Abortion medications authorized by the FDA function by causing miscarriage. A pharmaceutical abortion and a natural miscarriage are identical physiologic processes from your body’s viewpoint (though the emotional experiences may be very different.) Therefore, the physical process is the same, as are the hazards, warning signals, possible consequences, and therapies.
Additionally, there is no test to detect whether or not you have used Abortion Pills. Therefore, it is not required to inform a medical professional that you experienced a pharmaceutical abortion rather than a natural miscarriage if you feel uncomfortable doing so. Your body will not reveal your identity.
6. How are abortifacient drugs administered?
The most successful method (99 percent effective) of inducing an abortion using FDA-approved Abortion Pills is as follows:
Step 1: Take a 200 mg pill of Mifepristone with a glass of water to prevent the hormone progesterone from lining the uterus during pregnancy.
Step 2: To promote uterine contractions, take an 800 mcg misoprostol dosage up to 48 hours later. Misoprostol is used by placing the tablets in your mouth or vagina and letting them dissolve; thus, following the pills’ directions is critical.
Combined, the two drugs induce a miscarriage anatomically indistinguishable from one occurring spontaneously.
7. What may I anticipate after using Abortion Pills (also known as abortion medication)?
You will experience the following:
- Bleeding or spotting may last several days and is often more intense than typical menstruation.
- Cramping (uterine contractions) and stomach discomfort may occur within a few hours of taking Misoprostol.
You MAY have:
- Nausea, diarrhea, hot flushes, moderate dizziness, and/or a mild fever.
- You may see blood clots or gray tissue.
Additional points to consider:
- For up to two weeks, refrain from inserting anything in your vagina (tampons, fingers, sex toys, penises — anything!) to help avoid infection.
- To prevent a false positive, wait at least two weeks following an abortion before taking a pregnancy test. Your first menstrual cycle will return in 4–8 weeks, possibly heavier than usual.
- You may ovulate within one to two weeks after the end of early pregnancy – even before your period resumes!
Seek medical attention if you develop any of the following uncommon complications:
- Odiferous discharge
- Fever lasting more than 24 hours or temperature more than 102.2F Excessive bleeding, severe pain, or nausea/vomiting lasting more than 24 hours
- Constant cramping or discomfort that is not eased by over-the-counter medications.
8. How much blood are you expecting?
During a Medical Abortion, the bleeding is more intense than during a regular menstrual period.
9. Can you use tampons, and how long will you bleed?
Because you should not put anything in your vaginal area, including a tampon, it is recommended that you use maxi pads to stop the bleeding. This might last a week or longer.
Who Is Eligible to Use Abortion Pills?
10. Do I need to take more medications if I am a colossal lady (or overweight)?
No, it would help if you continued to take the same amount of tablets that we prescribe for everyone. However, studies have shown that the medication’s effectiveness does not diminish in big or obese women. Therefore, you do not need to change your dosage or add extra tablets.
11. What if I discover I’m expecting twins?
If you discover you are pregnant with twins, you do not need to adjust your dosage or amount of tablets. For twin pregnancies, the same method is utilized.
12. Is it less effective if I’ve taken the Abortion Pill previously?
No, every pregnancy is unique. If you have already taken the Abortion Pill, you do not need a greater dosage if you use it for another unwanted pregnancy.
13. Is it safe for me to take Misoprostol when I have an IUD implanted?
If you have an intrauterine contraceptive device in your uterus (e.g., a coil or a progesterone IUD), you must have it removed before your Medical Abortion.
14. Can I take Misoprostol while breastfeeding?
If you are nursing, the misoprostol tablets may cause your infant to have diarrhea. Nurse the infant for 4 hours after taking the misoprostol tablets to prevent this.
15. Is it permissible for me to utilize Abortion Pills if I have HIV?
If you are HIV-positive, ensure that you are stable, taking antiretroviral medications, and generally in excellent health.
16. I have anemia. Can I use the Abortion Pill?
If you have anemia (low iron levels in the blood), choose a health care professional within a 30-minute If you have anemia (low iron levels in the blood), choose a health care professional within a 30-minute drive who can assist you if necessary. Consult a physician if you are very anemic before utilizing the Abortion Pill.
17. I just had a C-section; is the Abortion Pill safe for me?
No, abortion drugs used early in pregnancy are entirely safe, even if you have had a prior C-section.
18. Will my kid be born with birth abnormalities if I take the Abortion Pill and remain pregnant afterward?
Mifepristone has not been linked to birth abnormalities. Misoprostol does, however, cause a modest increase in the incidence of birth abnormalities. If you use Misoprostol and remain pregnant after that, you may have a spontaneous miscarriage. If there is no miscarriage and the pregnancy is carried to term, the chance of birth abnormalities rises by 1%. (one baby in 100).
19. I previously had female sterilization (tubal ligation). It was unsuccessful, and I got pregnant. Unfortunately, the pregnancy was contained inside the tube (ectopic pregnancy). I am now pregnant with my second child; is it safe for me to utilize Abortion Pills?
No, Abortion Pills are not safe to take if you are aware that you are at risk of ectopic pregnancy. We know there is scarring in your tubes since you underwent a tubal ligation (Fallopian tubes). So that is most likely why your last pregnancy was ectopic.
The Fallopian tubes are the site of fertilization of a female egg by a male sperm. Pregnancy begins to develop and progresses down the tube to the womb. If your tube is scarred, early pregnancy may get stuck. As the pregnancy progresses, the tube may rupture. If the tube ruptures, it may result in severe internal bleeding, which is potentially fatal.
You are at risk of having an additional ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, you should not self-abort unless a healthcare practitioner confirms that the pregnancy is in the womb and not in your tubes.
20. How can I have an abortion if an ectopic pregnancy has been diagnosed?
First, you should understand that most women will be unaware of this illness until they get an ultrasound. Ectopic pregnancies are not viable, which means that even in countries where abortion is illegal, women may be allowed to terminate their pregnancies legally.
21. What is the mechanism of action of Abortion Pills?
There are two kinds of Abortion Pills, and each one works differently. Mifepristone inhibits the growth of the hormone required for pregnancy. Still, the components in Misoprostol relax and open the cervix (the entryway to the uterus) and cause the uterus to contract, pushing the fetus out.
What is the mechanism of action of Abortion Pills?
22. What is the purpose of Misoprostol?
Misoprostol works by contracting the uterus and ejecting the pregnancy.
23. What is the purpose of Mifepristone?
Mifepristone inhibits the growth of the hormone required for pregnancy.
24. Is Misoprostol safe to take at home?
Yes, Misoprostol may be used safely at home. When taking Misoprostol tablets, attempt to be in an environment (such as your house) where you have privacy and can lie down for a few hours afterward, and having someone to care about you and bring you hot tea or food might be beneficial.
25. Is it OK for me to drink water after taking Misoprostol?
Take no food or drink for 30 minutes while the Misoprostol dissolves. After 30 minutes, you may drink water to flush out any remaining tablets and, generally, as much water as necessary to feel hydrated.
26. Is it OK for me to drink water after taking Mifepristone?
Yes, you may consume water to aid in swallowing the Mifepristone.
27. Is Misoprostol should be taken sublingually or vaginally?
There are two methods to administer Misoprostol: vaginally or sublingually (sublingually). HowToUse recommends that you only take Misoprostol sublingually since it is more private (the tablets dissolve quickly and leave no visible traces in your body) and lower infection risk.
28. What is the difference between Misoprostol alone and Misoprostol with Mifepristone?
Both Mifepristone and Misoprostol in conjunction with Misoprostol and Misoprostol alone are successful alternatives. However, if the combination of Mifepristone and Misoprostol is available and inexpensive, it should be your first option, because the combination is more effective.
29. How successful is Misoprostol alone and in combination with Mifepristone?
If Mifepristone and Misoprostol are taken, 98 out of 100 women will have a complete abortion. If just Misoprostol is administered, about 75 women in 100 will have a complete abortion.
30. Why am I need to take further Misoprostol if I have already taken Mifepristone?
Mifepristone and Misoprostol are combined because the two medicines work well together. Misoprostol works by relaxing and opening the cervix (the entryway to the uterus) and contracting the uterus, which results in the pregnancy being pushed out.
31. Is it possible that no one will know I had an abortion with the Abortion Pill?
If you take Misoprostol tablets beneath the tongue, no one will know you took Abortion Pills since you will swallow everything within 30 minutes. However, if someone inquires, you may state that you had a normal miscarriage.
When Misoprostol is used vaginally, the pill’s covering may not disintegrate entirely for a day or two. Therefore, if you need emergency medical treatment within 48 hours of vaginal Misoprostol usage, your healthcare professional may see the white coating of the tablet in your vagina. This is why HowToUse recommends administering Misoprostol sublingually rather than vaginally.
Contraindications to Abortion Pills
32. When should I abstain from using Abortion Pills at home?
If you are more than 13 weeks pregnant, allergic to Mifepristone or Misoprostol, have significant health concerns, particularly blood clotting disorders, or suspect or know that the pregnancy is progressing outside the womb, you should avoid taking Abortion Pills at home (ectopic pregnancy).
Abortion Pills: Adverse Effects and Complications
33. How much bleeding and cramps are considered usual after Misoprostol administration?
For some women, cramping is intense – considerably more severe than menstrual cramps (if you experience monthly cramps) – and bleeding is far heavier than during a menstrual period. In the first few hours after taking Misoprostol, you may pass blood clots the size of lemons. However, discomfort and bleeding are similar to those associated with a regular menstrual cycle for some women.
34. What if I do not bleed after Misoprostol administration?
Seek medical attention if you do not bleed or have just minor bleeding followed by significant pain. Seek medical attention if you do not bleed or have just minor bleeding followed by considerable pain (especially in the right shoulder) that Ibuprofen does not alleviate. This may indicate an ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy located outside of the uterus). While this is uncommon, it may be fatal. You may also call us if you are worried about the outcome of the abortion.
351. What if I bleed excessively after the Abortion Pill?
Seek medical attention if you soak through two regular pads every two consecutive hours after you. Seek medical attention if you soak through two standard pads every hour for two hours after believing the pregnancy is over. Flowing through indicates that the pad is wet from front to back, side to side, and all the way through.
36. What can I do if I have severe pain after taking the abortion pill?
Take 3-4 tablets (200 mg) of Ibuprofen every 4-6 hours to relieve pain. Keep in mind that you may also take Ibuprofen before taking Misoprostol.
37. What if you’re sick to your stomach or vomiting?
You may take a tablet called Ondansetron, which is intended to relieve nausea. The tablet also keeps you from vomiting. Before using it, talk to your doctor.
38. Is it possible for me to eat normally after taking the Abortion Pill?
You may generally eat when the Misoprostol has dissolved. Dry food (e.g., crackers or toast) may aid nausea, whereas green leafy vegetables, eggs, and red meat may assist in regaining nutrients lost during the abortion.
39. Is it OK for me to consume liquids after taking the Abortion Pill?
Once the Misoprostol has dissolved, you may consume whatever beverage you like (except alcohol).
40. Can I consume alcohol while on the Abortion Pill and afterward?
Alcohol should be avoided throughout therapy to prevent impairing the medication’s efficacy. In certain situations, alcohol may also increase uterine bleeding and impair the effectiveness of other medicines used to treat pain or infection (for women dealing with complications). Therefore, it is advisable to abstain from drinking until the abortion is complete and you feel well.
41. How long does it take for the Abortion Pill’s adverse effects to subside?
Most women will pass the pregnancy within 4 to 5 hours and feel better within 24 hours. After that, it is typical to see minor bleeding and spotting until your next period, which will occur in around 3 – 4 weeks.
42. Is it usual to have nausea or vomiting after taking Misoprostol?
It is typical to feel queasy, have diarrhea, chills, or even have the sensation of having a fever during this period. However, most women claim that they realize they have completed the pregnancy when their bleeding stops and they begin to feel considerably better.
43. What should I do if I continue to be pregnant after an Abortion Pill?
Certain women may need surgery if they remain pregnant after taking the tablets. Remember! Worldwide, treatment for incomplete abortion is commonly accessible. You have the right to this care regardless of whether abortion is illegal in your country.