Women's Questions About Medical Abortion - your-safe-abortion.com

February 10, 2023 10:37

April 11, 2023 11:35

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Women’s Questions About Medical Abortion

When is a woman eligible for a medical abortion?

From the moment a woman suspects and confirms she is pregnant up to 11 weeks after her last period, she may have a medical abortion. Some insurance companies only cover medication abortions for pregnancies that are less than seven weeks old.

What makes a “morning-after pill” different from a medical abortion?

Emergency contraception (EC), also referred to as the “Morning-After Pill,” and medical abortion are not interchangeable terms. Pregnancy is prevented by using emergency contraception. The case for EC is not at all convincing once pregnancy has occurred. When a pregnancy has already begun, medical abortion is used to end the unwanted pregnancy.

What is the drug Mifepristone, often known as RU-486 or Mifeprex?

Mifepristone inhibits the progesterone hormone produced naturally. This prevents the fetus from progressing and causes the uterus’ coating to shed as it happens during a period. When Misoprostol and Mifepristone are combined, an abortion on prescription is the result.

Is abortion on prescription a success?

Medical abortions are often successful 95 to 98 percent of the time in clinical settings. This means that without surgery, the prescriptions cause the woman to pass the pregnancy altogether. Ninety-eight percent of the time, an early, meticulous abortion carried out by aspiration is viable.

How safe is a medical abortion?

For more than twenty years, Mifepristone has been under consideration. Over 20 countries and millions of women have had abortions using Mifepristone and Misoprostol (or drugs identical to them). Every examination has shown the method to be reliable and safe. There haven’t been any reports of any lingering risks. It is extremely rare for severe bleeding to require blood bonding (less than 0.5 percent).

What side effects might a medical abortion cause?

Temporary signs could be:

  • Powerful cramps;
  • Chills and fever;
  • Bleeding;
  • Vomiting;
  • Nausea.

When used for medical abortion, Mifepristone has no proven long-term hazards. Misoprostol has not been associated with any long-term side effects.

Do fetal deformities result from medical abortion?

The effects of Mifeprex on a growing organism are thought to exist. Misoprostol has displayed specific symptoms connected to birth abnormalities when used in the early stages of pregnancy. Therefore, if medicinal abortion is unsuccessful, a woman should have a surgical abortion.

Where can a woman have an abortion with medication?

In hospitals, family planning centers, private offices, and even at home, with the aid of medical abortion, medication abortion is carried out by skilled medical professionals.

How much does a medicine abortion cost?

The price varies depending on the center. Several vendors provide comparable prices for medical and surgical services. Some insurance providers will cover the cost of medical abortion (typically just if they would cover a surgical abortion). For both surgical and medicinal abortions, certain Women’s Health Centers provide a self-payment option.

Where can I find out more information about medication abortion?

  • Call or email [email protected] for more information;
  • Review our pre-procedure guidelines;
  • If you have any additional questions, use the online chat feature on our website.


Medical abortion isn’t equivalent to emergency contraception (EC), additionally called a “Morning-after pill.” A prescription abortion results when Mifepristone is taken with Misoprostol. Early careful abortion, usually performed by aspiration, is viable 98 percent of the time.

Doubts Women Have About Medical Abortion? Is prescription abortion successful?

Medication abortion is performed by trained medical care experts in private office settings, Hospitals, family planning facilities, and even at home with the assistance of medical abortion. There have been no reports of any drawn-out dangers from medication abortion. A lady should have a surgical abortion procedure if a medical termination is unsuccessful.