August 12, 2022 10:08
April 11, 2023 11:38
What Happens to Women After They Have an Abortion?
After an Abortion, How Do You Feel?
After having an abortion procedure, whether medical or surgical, many women feel glad and relieved, while others feel stressed. According to studies, following an abortion surgery, more than 70% of women think stress-free and relieved. Pregnancy termination has also saved some women from developing depression-like symptoms. The crew at your-safe-abortion.com chatted with some of its abortion pill patients to find out how they felt following the procedure. Here’s what we discovered.
How do women feel after having an abortion?
Samantha Smith (Smith):
Abortion Pill Services in the United States, or simply the expense of abortion in the United States, was too expensive for me, and I couldn’t afford a surgical abortion. We chose to purchase abortion pills online since they provided us with safe and affordable abortion choices. We even got free abortion information online and fully comprehended the procedure. After checking with our doctor, we ultimately got tablets, and I took them home. First and foremost, I was happy to be free of a pre-existing pregnancy. Second, I was relieved that I could put an end to it without having to spend a lot of money on costly clinic appointments and treatments.
Bates, Wesley:
We have two children already (who fight a lot). My older son believes I am preoccupied with my other kid, which is untrue. I didn’t want a third kid to add to the complexity and difficulty of the situation. My boys came to me and took care of me while I had an abortion. Seeing their mother in a difficult position drew them closer together. The abortion process gave me a completely different emotion that I can’t put into words. I believe I have both of my boys, albeit I may have missed out on the chance to have a third.
Shanika Rathnayake (Shanika Rathnayake):
It had been four years. I was terrified when I chose to use an abortion pill online to end my 7-week pregnancy. Even though I was 25 years old and my boyfriend was ready to marry for this pregnancy, I felt uneasy. Because I was still working on my research papers, I wasn’t prepared for unexpected duties. My spouse, thankfully, understood my sentiments, and we decided to wait a bit longer this time and terminate the pregnancy. I won’t lie, I felt bad about terminating the pregnancy, but the good news was that I could finish my research papers. Two years later, we married. I’m pregnant once again, and I’m happier than ever. I think that feeling sad and guilty about abortion is a phase that will pass with time.
Researchers have explained that more than 70% of women feel stress-free and relieved after an abortion procedure. Samantha Smith: Abortion Pill Services in the USA or even the abortion cost in the US was too high, and I couldn’t afford a surgical abortion.
Wesley Bates: I was happy that I could end it without spending a hefty amount on clinic visits and expensive surgeries. For Shanika Rathnayake, the abortion procedure was a very different feeling that I cannot express in words.