Abortion Laws in Vietnam
Law, Regulations | Law on the protection of public health, 1989; Standards and Guidelines for Reproductive Health Care Services, 2002. |
Indications | On request. |
Time limit | Not specified. |
Medical Abortion | Authorized. |
Providers | Physicians, physician-assistants, midwives. |
Location of Services | Detailed requirements are set forth. |
VIET NAM. Law on the protection of public health, 30 June 1989.
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Women’s rights to gynaecological care and to undergo abortion
44. (1) Women shall be entitled to have an abortion if they so desire, to undergo medical examinations and treatment for gynaecological diseases and to receive prenatal care and medical services during delivery at medical institutions.
(2) The Ministry of Public Health shall have the duty to consolidate and expand the network of obstetric and neonatal health care to the grassroots level, in order to ensure medical care for women.
(3) Medical institutions and individuals may not perform abortions or remove IUDs unless permitted to do so by the Health Ministry or [competent] services.
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Penal Code, Law No. 15/1999/QH10.
Article 243. Interruption illicite de grossesse
1. Est puni d’une reeducation sans detention jusqu’a trois ans, ou d’un emprisonnement de un a cinq ans, le fait, pour toute personne, d’interrompre illicitement la grossesse d’une personne, causant la mort de cette personne ou portant atteinte grave a sa sante ou alors que la premiere personne a deja fait l’objet d’une sanction disciplinaire ou administrative ou d’une condamnation penale sans avoir ete rehabilitee pour le meme acte.
2. Ce fait est puni de trois a dix ans d’emprisonnement lorsqu’il a cause des consequences tres graves.
3. Il est puni de sept a quinze ans d’emprisonnement lorsqu’il a cause des consequences extremement graves.
4. L’auteur de l’infraction peut en outre, etre puni de 5.000.000 a 50.000.000 de dongs d’amende ou etre interdit d’exercice d’une fonction, d’une activite professionnelle ou d’un travail determines pendant une duree de un a cinq ans.