Abortion Laws in Liechtenstein
Law, Regulations | Penal Code, 1987. |
Indications | Life, health, woman is under 14 at the time of conception and unmarried to the putative father. |
Time limit | Not specified. |
Providers | Physician, unless immediate danger to life. |
Location of Services | Not specified. |
LIECHTENSTEIN. Penal Code, 24 June 1987. (Liechtensteinisches Landesgesetzblatt, No. 37, 22 October 1988, pp. 1-125.)
96. Abortion
1) Whoever performs an abortion on a pregnant woman with her consent will be sentenced to a prison term of up to one year; if he does this for profit, he will be sentenced to a prison term of up to three years.
2) If this person is not a physician, he will be sentenced to a prison term of up to three years; if he does this for profit or if the operation leads to the death of the woman, he will be sentenced to a prison term of from six months to five years.
3) A woman who performs an abortion on herself or allows another person to do so will be sentenced to a prison term of up to one year.
4) Under 1) and 3) above the operation is exempt from punishment if the abortion
1) is necessary to prevent serious danger to the life of the pregnant woman or serious harm to her health, or the pregnant woman has not at any time been married to the man who impregnated her and was not yet at the time of conception fourteen years old; and in all these cases the abortion is performed by a physician; or
2) is performed to save the pregnant woman from immediate danger to her life that cannot otherwise be prevented, in circumstances where medical help cannot be obtained in time.
97. Abortion without the Consent of the Pregnant Woman
1) Whoever performs an abortion on a woman who has not consented will be sentenced to a prison term of up to three years; if the abortion causes the death of the pregnant woman, he will be sentenced to a prison term of from six months to five years.
2) He will be exempt from punishment if he performs the abortion for the purpose of saving the pregnant woman from immediate danger to her life that cannot otherwise be prevented, under circumstances where the consent of the pregnant woman cannot be obtained in time.
98. Reckless
1) Whoever presumes the existence of a danger of the kind described in 96.4 and 97.2 without having conducted a careful inquiry as to whether such danger is truly present and then performs an abortion or urges a pregnant woman to consent to an abortion or otherwise contributes to an abortion will be sentenced to a prison term of up to one year if he is a physician and of at least six months or a fine of up to 360 daily amounts if he is not a physician.
98a. Offering
One’s Services for Abortion or Announcing Means to Obtain an Abortion
2) Whoever publicly, with the intention to promote abortion offers his own or someone else’s services or announces, recommends or exhibits means, devices, or procedures or otherwise makes them accessible will be sentenced to a prison term of up to one year or a fine of up to 360 daily amounts.