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Abortion Laws in Georgia

Law, Regulations Law on health care, 2000.
Indications Life, health, socio-economic reasons.
Time limit 22 weeks.
Medical Abortion (Authorized).
Providers Physician, except when urgently necessary to save the woman’s life.
Location of Services Licensed medical facility, except when urgently necessary to save the woman’s life.

GEORGIA. Law 21 July 2000.

Abortions are allowed on request up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. Between 12 and 22 weeks of pregnancy, abortions may performed on the following grounds:

a) if there is a risk to the life of the woman;

b) if there is a risk to the physical health of woman;

c) if there is a risk to the mental health of woman;

d) if there is a risk of fetal malformation;

e) if a woman is diagnosed with HIV/AIDS;

f) in cases of rape or another sexual crime;

e) if the woman is under 16 years old or over 40 years old; and

g) on social grounds (e.g., the woman is a widow, she is pregnant and in jail, her husband is in jail, she has many children and her family income is below the minimum, fertilization happened in a high radiation area, she is homeless). After 22 weeks of pregnancy abortions may be performed on the same grounds with the approval of a special three-member medical committee. Parental consent is required for minors under the age of 16.

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