Pain Management for Pregnancy Medical Termination (MTP)
How can I reduce the medical abortion pain? What analgesics or other drugs can be taken for pain relief? Is it possible to provide adequate pain relief for MTP (Medical Termination of Pregnancy)? The answers to these and other questions can be found in this article.
Like many women, 78% report that pain is the medical abortion procedure’s most sensitive and uncomfortable part. Every woman experiences pain differently, and not all women require analgesics. Nonetheless, we adhere to the principle that each woman undergoing MTP should be offered adequate pain relief.
Pain relief medication
What medications can be used for pain relief during MTP? It has long been stated that only No-spa (Drotaverine) can be used during this procedure.
Our usual analgesics, such as Aspirin, Paracetamol, Ketanov, etc., which are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, are contraindicated because they block the Misoprostol action.
The only effective analgesic indicated for MTP is Nurofen.
Pain relief scheme
One dose is Nurofen 800 mg (2 x 400 mg capsules). The duration of the analgesic effect is 4 hours. Should only be taken after taking Misoprostol (second stage). It is forbidden to take during the first phase.
Take the drug when the pain becomes severe. Another dose (2 capsules) may be taken at least 2 hours after the first dose to continue the effect. The maximum number of doses for one MTP session is three doses.
Who is eligible for pain relief for MTP
In medical abortion most cases, the pain is tolerable and is perceived as somewhat more painful than menstruation. In such cases, patients do not need any pain relief.
Statistically (according to Penney G., 2006), pain intensity subjective ratings during medical abortion procedures are distributed as follows:
- Unbearable pain was experienced by 10% of women,
- Very severe and severe 40% of women, and
- Moderate – 25%.
Thus, about all women half require analgesia for medical abortion. Details see “Pain in MTP.”
Practitioners have identified the women following categories who are strongly advised to be anesthetized
- Girls with a first pregnancy, especially those under 25.
- Girls with painful menstruation (so-called algomenorrhea).
- Gestational age of 8 or more obstetric weeks.
- Individuals with a low pain threshold.
- Those wishing to have the procedure with extra comfort.