What is a medical abortion, and what should you anticipate? - your-safe-abortion.com

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What is a Medical Abortion, and what should you anticipate?

The abortion pill causes cramps and intermittent, long-lasting vaginal bleeding. You can remain wherever you feel more at ease, even at home. Plan your day’s activities and take it easy since you may need to relax after taking the abortion pill.

How is a medical abortion performed?

Two different drugs are used throughout certain parts of the abortion pill procedure. Take the Mifepristone tablet first. You may get Generic Ru486 online since mifepristone is also known as that drug. This medication hampers pregnancy development. After taking Mifepristone, some women experience nausea or notice bleeding, although this is uncommon.

Misoprostol is the name of the second tablet. After taking Mifepristone for up to 24 hours, you must take Misoprostol. This medication makes you bleed and cramp to empty your uterus.

What can you anticipate?

A miscarriage and a medical abortion are remarkably similar. The cramps and bleeding often begin for most women 2-3 hours after taking the second medication. Large blood or tissue clots are frequently seen. It feels like having a severely crampy period or heavy menstruation. For many hours, there was bleeding and cramps. Most women know the pregnancy tissue leaves their bodies in 5 to 6 hours, although other women may take longer.

After the pregnant tissue has been removed, the bleeding and discomfort have subsided. You can suffer bleeding for a few days after the pregnancy tissue is gone.

Sanitary napkins are an option. Till your abortion surgery is finished, refrain from using tampons or menstrual cups.

The last step is to schedule a follow-up appointment with your physician. Both blood tests and ultrasounds are available. By getting the test, you may confirm that the pregnancy has ended effectively and that you are healthy. If your pregnancy is still present, your doctor may advise a surgical abortion to eliminate the remaining pregnancy.

After a medical abortion, how do women feel?

Most women may compare having a medical abortion to having an early miscarriage.

Among the symptoms you may notice are:

  • Severe cramps, muscular pains, and stomach discomfort;
  • Large clots and excessive bleeding (If you don’t experience any bleeding after taking the Misoprostol tablet, call your doctor);
  • Diarrhea;
  • Body ache;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Tiredness;
  • Nausea and stomach pain (your medicinal practitioner will give you medicines to overcome these symptoms);
  • Dizziness;
  • The day you take the abortion pills, a slight temperature or chills (if your fever does not goes within a few days, then visit your doctor or health center immediately).

So, after using abortion pills, a woman can experience some of these symptoms.


Medical abortion is very similar to a miscarriage. The abortion pill induces cramping and bleeding that stays for several hours or more. For most women, the bleeding and cramping generally start within 2-3 hours after taking the second medicine. Most women observe the passing of pregnancy tissue within 5-6 hours. However, it may take longer for others. For most women, a medical abortion may feel like experiencing an early miscarriage.

You can experience symptoms like:

Severe cramping, body pain, and aches in the belly. After the pregnancy tissue is passed, you may experience bleeding for some days. You can contact your medicinal practitioner if you do not notice any bleeding after taking the Misoprostol pill. Thus, these are some symptoms that a woman can expect after taking abortion pills.