Our guarantees
Dear customers!
We try to ensure our work’s reliability and quality in every possible way. It is significant for us that you receive only high-quality drugs and medical products, and the taking our medicines’ effect was expected and without side effects.
Our guarantee is all our reputation first. We have been working for you since 2012! And every year we improve the service quality and make our service more convenient.
By ordering drugs from us, you get our drugs’ quality a full guarantee, and you can also be entirely sure that we will send you a call as soon as possible after payment. After sending the order, we send you the parcel track number, by which you can check the parcel status on our website.
We cannot guarantee a positive outcome in all cases because every organism is particular (individual reactions to drugs are possible), and almost every girl/woman has her own genital and extragenital pathology, which can dramatically affect the medical abortion course.
Although relatively safe, medical abortion is still an abortion (although relatively safe), and the procedure is a serious medical intervention.
If someone gives medical abortion a positive outcome, a 100% guarantee, do not believe it, it is not the truth! Our kits actual effectiveness, based on our many years experience – 99.6%